Determine what your company is worth
With the Oaklins Valuation Index and our financial expertise, you can quickly find out the value of your business.
If you are looking for public company valuation information related to your industry, we can provide you with upper and lower medians, as well as the true median, of revenue and EBITDA multiples to refer to. Readers of QuickValue, the valuation book by Reed Phillips, can use these data points in valuations of their own companies.
Using data provided by the financial information service S&P Global Market Intelligence, the Oaklins Valuation Index determines the medians based on data of the most representative global companies in a particular industry. You can then contact an Oaklins advisor to discuss how these revenue and EBITDA multiples affect your business, including trends and comparisons with private M&A transaction multiples.
To view this data for your industry, please create an account. If your industry is not on the list below, please contact us.